Audio and Visual Services Request Form

Please use this form to request HSSEAS audio and visual services.

* indicates required field
Your Full Name
An email address that we can use to contact you
Your phone number
The person who authorizes you to reserve AV equipment
The email address of the person authorizing the AV equipment reservation
The Recharge ID we should use to charge you

The type of your event
The course number of the lecture
The title of your event
The date at which the audio/visual equipment should be delivered
The time at which the audio/visual equipment should be delivered

The day(s) of the week on which the equipment is needed
The location at which the equipment should be delivered
The date at which the equipment will be returned
The time at which the equipment will be returned

The equipment that you need. You can select more that one equipment
If you need some special equipment that is not listed above, please specify it here