Space Rentals and Room Reservations
We offer several spaces and rooms to rent for club meetings, seminars, info sessions, and other events.
If you are faculty or presenter associated with the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering, scheduling of our resources is done through our ScheduleIt website. Otherwise, please follow the steps outlined in our Room Reservation Policy
If the UCLA Events Office has confirmed an inability to fulfill your reservation, follow the steps below:
Read and complete the steps detailed in the policy.
Due to a high volume of space rental requests, the Samueli School of Engineering has created a policy that outlines the required steps to take before directly requesting a space from our school.
Go to ScheduleIt and use your UCLA Logon ID to gain access.
Visit ScheduleIt at You’ll need to log in with your UCLA account.
Locate the “Bookings” option, under the “Schedule” tab.
On the top bar, locate the “Schedule” tab and click on it. On the drop-down menu, find the “Bookings” option and click on it.
Click the blue arrow drop down next to the title (“Shop Calendar”) and select “Matserv Calendar.” Then cycle through the dates.
From here, click the blue arrow drop down next to the title (“Shop Calendar”) and select “Matserv Calendar.” This will show all of our available rooms and the current reservations for each. Then, click the green arrows near the top to cycle through dates.
Create your reservation.
Once you’ve reached the week containing the date you want, scroll down to your date and click the starting hour of your reservation in the row of your room. This will open up the Reservation Details page, where you can adjust the time, name, and description of the reservation.
For Boelter Penthouse: If you are reserving the Boelter Hall Penthouse (8500 BH), please include a recharge ID in the “Detail” section to which we can charge the reservation fee. Alternatively, you can denote that you will be bringing in a check to cover the fee.
Finalize your reservation.
Once all of the details are filled out, click the big green “Create” button. This will make a pending reservation that someone in our office will review and approve.
Check for your email confirmation.
If your reservation request is approved, you will receive an email confirmation within 1 – 3 business days.
Retrieve your key.
On the day of your reservation, you will need to pick up the key three hours before the start of your event from our office (3713 Boelter Hall).
If your reservation falls on a weekend, you need to retrieve your key on the Friday before your reservation, as the key pick-up locations are only open on weekdays.
Return your key.
You MUST return the key immediately after your event is over out of respect for people who have reserved the space after you. If our office is closed when your reservation is over, you can leave your key in the grey drop box outside our door. Someone in our office will retrieve the key on the next business day.
6750 Boelter Hall

A small conference room meant for executive meetings, interviews, or small presentations. The room has 10 chairs positioned around a large, oval table.
Rules and Guidelines
Maximum occupancy is 15 people.
There is no projector, but the room has a projector screen and a whiteboard.
We will have the room ready for you when you need it. If you are having non-messy food indicate that you will be serving food on the room request. If the room is not left in the same state it was rented in you will be charged a $25 cleanup fee.
The key for BH 6750 can be picked up from our office in BH 2685. You MUST return the key immediately after your event is over out of respect for people who have reserved the space after you. If you fail to return the key no later than 24 hours within the day you checked it out, you will be penalized and possibly banned from further room use.
Boelter Hall Penthouse (8500)
A large room at the top of Boelter Hall, designed for medium-sized classes, seminars, and presentations. Contains a projector and several tables and chairs for roughly 40 people.
Rules and Guidelines
- Reservation Fee is to be paid by FAU, Recharge ID, or personal check ONLY.
- Reservations cannot last more than 1 day
- Reservations must be made at least 1 day prior to start time
- Reservations cannot be made across days
- This resource has a maximum capacity of 60 people
- Key pickup is from OASA in BH 3713
If you are having food – remember, no messy foods such as pizza – indicate that you will be serving food on your ScheduleIt reservation. If the venue is not left in the same state it was rented in you will be charged a $25 cleanup fee.
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all the furniture is left the way you found it if not better.
- If there is a reservation right after you, be respectful and empty the room by the end of your reservation.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in being revoked access to further rent this space.
Reservation Rates
- HSSEAS Departments
- $25/day
- UCLA Departments
- $75/day
- Outside vendors
- $250/day
SCC BH 2730

A spacious area designated for student organizations to host workshops and projects. A multi-purpose space with two mobile whiteboards, a large TV useful for presentations, and seating for roughly 30 people.
Rules and Guidelines
- Reservations are limited to HSSEAS student groups.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- Recurring reservations will NOT be approved.
- Each student group may be limited to one advanced booking meeting per week, depending on availability. Advanced booking can be made for up to one week ahead of time only.
- Same day booking is acceptable.
- No one student group may monopolize the conference room.
- Meetings lasting multiple days are acceptable provided they do not occur regularly, or extend unreasonably.
- Meetings will be scheduled in the order the request is received.
- Meeting conflicts will be handled as fairly as possible with the full cooperation of the affected student groups.
- All members must maintain the condition of the SCC, including lab space. Any damage to the space will be the responsibility of the student group and/or department to repair and return to the original move-in condition.
SCC BH 2761
A small meeting room located on the second floor of Boelter Hall designated for HSSEAS student organizations. Contains enough space for about 20 occupants.
Rules and Guidelines
- Reservations are limited to HSSEAS student groups.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- Recurring reservations will NOT be approved.
- Each student group may be limited to one advanced booking meeting per week, depending on availability. Advanced booking can be made for up to one week ahead of time only.
- Same day booking is acceptable.
- No one student group may monopolize the conference room.
- Meetings lasting multiple days are acceptable provided they do not occur regularly, or extend unreasonably.
- Meetings will be scheduled in the order the request is received.
- Meeting conflicts will be handled as fairly as possible with the full cooperation of the affected student groups.
- All members must maintain the condition of the SCC, including lab space. Any damage to the space will be the responsibility of the student group and/or department to repair and return to the original move-in condition.
Engineering IV Patio

An outdoor patio area meant for large gatherings. The patio has 15 individual seating areas, consisting of a table and benches.
Rules and Guidelines
- We will have the patio ready for you when you need it. If you are having food – remember, to indicate that you will be serving food on the Engineering IV Patio room request. You are responsible for letting the caterers know when they can come and pick up the leftover food and dishes. If the venue is not left in the same state it was rented in you will be charged a $75 cleanup fee.
- For HSSEAS Engineering IV patio rentals that require the use of a BBQ, these additional steps must be taken:
- An additional 10 days prior notice. The Fire Marshall’s office will need to check out the setup prior to the BBQ being ignited on the day of the event.
- BBQ must be placed at least 25′ away from any structure.
- BBQ must never be placed near air intake areas for the building.
- BBQ must never be left unattended.
- You will need to check out a fire extinguisher from the Materiel Services office. This extinguisher must be present at all times and then returned to the Materiel Services office at the conclusion of the event.
- BBQ must never be used for burning rubbish.
Engineering VI Room 100

This is a conference room on the 1st floor of Engineering VI featuring 5 tables and a sliding door for privacy.
Rules and Guidelines
- This room is to be used for meeting purposes only.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- There are ABSOLUTELY no food or drinks allowed.
- Please be prompt in returning the key.
- Reservations cannot last more than 1 day
- Reservations must be made at least 1 day prior to start time
- Reservations cannot be made across days
- This resource has a maximum capacity of 15 people
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all the furniture is left the way you found it if not better.
- If there is a reservation right after you, be respectful and empty the room by the end of your reservation.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in being revoked access to further rent this space.
Engineering VI Room 300

This meeting room is located on the 3rd floor of Engineering VI.
Rules and Guidelines
- This room is to be used for meeting purposes only.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- There is absolutely no food or drinks allowed.
- Please be prompt in returning the key.
- Reservations cannot last more than 1 day
- Reservations must be made at least 1 day prior to start time
- Reservations cannot be made across days
- This resource has a maximum capacity of 16 people
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all the furniture is left the way you found it if not better.
- If there is a reservation right after you, be respectful and empty the room by the end of your reservation.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in being revoked access to further rent this space.
Mong Learning Center (Engineering VI 180)

A large auditorium designed for lectures and seminars. Comes equipped with a full featured audio/visual system, allowing flexibility in presentations.
Rules and Guidelines
- This room is to be used for meeting purposes only.
- Student groups must have a faculty or staff adviser present during the event in order to reserve this space.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- No recurring reservations are allowed.
- There are absolutely no food or drinks allowed.
- When booking the Mong, please also reserve the Engineering VI Patio and Breezeway. As the spaces are close together, simultaneous events can be distracting and/or conflicting.
- The room has four handheld microphones and four lavalier microphones available for use.
- Please complete a Facilities Service Request (FSR) along with your room request unless told otherwise.
- At this time, we cannot raise or lower the stage, move the lectern, or rearrange the tables in the lower area.
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all furniture is left the way you found it. If the room is found unclean, you will be charged a cleaning fee.
- Keys must be returned immediately after you and your attendees exit.
- Maximum capacity is 250 occupants.
- Be aware of your reservation time and exit the room when your reservation ends.
- Reservations unaffiliated with the School of Engineering will be charged a fee.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in revoked reservation privileges for this space.
Cohen Multipurpose Room (Engineering VI 134)

This is a multipurpose room located on the first floor of Engineering VI. It features a projector and TV screens on both sides of the room and has access to an outdoor patio.
Rules and Guidelines
- This room can be divided into two separate spaces. If you would like the full room, please reserve both the East and West sides on ScheduleIt.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- Student groups must have a faculty or staff adviser present during the event in order to reserve this space.
- No recurring reservations are allowed.
- There are absolutely no food or drinks allowed.
- Please complete a Facilities Service Request (FSR) along with your room request unless told otherwise.
- At this time, we cannot rearrange the tables or chairs in the room.
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all furniture is left the way you found it. If the room is found unclean, you will be charged a cleaning fee.
- Keys must be returned immediately after you and your attendees exit.
- Maximum capacity is 40 occupants per side.
- Be aware of your reservation time and exit the room when your reservation ends.
- Reservations unaffiliated with the School of Engineering will be charged a fee.
- Violation of any of these rules will result in revoked reservation privileges for this space.
Engineering VI First Floor Breezeway

An open area that serves as a lobby for the Mong Auditorium and Cohen Multipurpose Room. Comes equipped with a kitchen that can be used for catered events.
Rules and Guidelines
- All Reservations are Subject to Dean’s Approval.
- Student groups must have a faculty or staff adviser present during the event in order to reserve this space.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all the furniture is left the way you found it.
- When booking the Engineering VI Breezeway, please also reserve the Engineering VI Patio and Mong Learning Center. As the spaces are close together, simultaneous events can be distracting and conflicting.
- If the space is found unclean, an FSR will be required for cleaning.
- Be aware of your reservation time and exit the space on time.
- If you are unaffiliated with HSSEAS, fees will apply (fee chart pending).
- Violation of any of these rules may result in future reservation requests being denied.
Engineering VI First Floor Patio

A sunny outdoor space useful for networking events and serving food and beverages to attendees.
Rules and Guidelines
- All Reservations are Subject to Dean’s Approval.
- Student groups must have a faculty or staff adviser present during the event in order to reserve this space.
- Reservations are approved on a first come, first served basis.
- Please clean up after yourself and ensure that all the furniture is left the way you found it.
- When booking the Engineering VI Patio, please also reserve the Engineering VI Breezeway and Mong Learning Center. As the spaces are close together, simultaneous events can be distracting and conflicting.
- If the space is found unclean, an FSR will be required for cleaning.
- Be aware of your reservation time and exit the space on time.
- If you are unaffiliated with HSSEAS, fees will apply (fee chart pending).
- Violation of any of these rules may result in future reservation requests being denied.